Yet Another 101 Best of TunneySide of Sports Columns
Yet Another 101 Best of TunneySide of Sports Columns
It was my Speakers Roundtable colleagues at our 2005 meeting that provided the impetus for these TunneySide articles and blogs. I have been writing a weekly newspaper column ever since. At first the column was to be called “On the TunneySideof the Street” – a play on that old standard “On the Sunny Side of the Street”, you know, grab your coat, get your hat, leave your worries on the doorstep, life can be—” well, you get the picture. That title morphed into “On the TunneySide of Sports”. It is the belief here that sports issues – good/bad/right or wrong can prove to be positive examples for everyday living. The major emphasis of these articles is to take sports issues and transform them into positive messages to help others lead productive lives. I am confident that you will find a story in here that can make a difference in your personal and/or professional life. Now, it is up to you to make your life more fun, healthier, and more productive. Will you do it?